Tuesday, December 1, 2009


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We are passionate about helping people Learn English. If you want to join our promotion team we offer opportunities to earn income promoting our Online English products and services.

The Online English Hub and Pronounce Pro have an enterprise level Affiliate program - complete with dedicated affiliate managers and Associate Memberships - features to make things easier for you.

Affiliate marketing is commission based Internet promotion. In a nutshell - you tell people to visit our site and if they make a purchase we pay you. How do we know if they make a purchase? Good question. When you sign up as an Affiliate for Pronounce Pro you are given a login user name and pass word. This login will take you to your own backend where you have access to special links you can post throughout the Internet. When people click on your links and visit Pronounce Pro we are able to ‘tag” their computer and watch if they make a purchase. Amazon.com is known as the “Grandfather of affiliate programs.” They have one of the first affiliate programs and needless to say one of the biggest. Just about everyone has something from Amazon available for sale on their site! Most every time you see an Amazon Buy Now link, that's an affiliate link.

When we say our Affiliate program is Enterprise level we mean we have industry leading features for you as an affiliate and options for which type of Affiliate Program to join.

*This section of the blog serves as a primary method for Affiliates to get content to use in their promotion. Below the information about our Affiliate programs you will find posts of marketing content written for the Pronounce Pro plus products and features. Affiliates are encouraged to Copy and Paste this content to use in your marketing.*

All affiliate questions can be sent to Julia.Becky@PronouncePro.com

Let's Take a Quick Look at All the Pronounce Pro Plus Affiliate Programs:

In House Affiliate Program:

Commission: 20%
Cookie Life: 360 days
Payment Schedule: Once a month
Payment Threshold: Fifty dollars
Cost: Free

This is the fastest way possible you can generate money online with Pronounce Pro. You can sign up here and it is free and we accept most everybody. You will receive a login name and password where you have access to your special links. You can post these links around the Internet or in emails to your students or friends and then wait to count the orders. In the login area you can see your ongoing total of orders for the month.

We will pay you every month when your account has reached a minimum of fifty dollars. If your account has not reached fifty dollars we will roll the payment over until it has reached fifty dollars.


  • Instant acceptance and access to your account and special links.
  • Your website content and promotion can be in any language.
  • Access to our Affiliate Managers, they will help you.
  • Access to our library of professionally written marketing content.

Join our In House Affiliate Program

Share a Sale Affiliate Program:

Commission: 20%
Cookie Life: 360 days
Payment Schedule: Once a month
Payment Threshold: Fifty dollars
Cost: Free
*Requires affiliates to own a website.*

Share a Sale is an industry leading third party Affiliate hosting program. They consistently win Affiliate Marketing awards and are the network of choice for power affiliates around the world. Share a Sale is a third party provider that will handle the payments made to you and the tracking of your special links. When you sign up to promote Pronounce Pro using Share a Sale, you are given state of the art tracking capabilities for all your Pronounce Pro affiliate links. When you log into your Share a Sale backend you can see who is clicking which of your links and which of your advertising promotions are converting to sales.

As an Affiliate of Pronounce Pro you have access to our dedicated Affiliate managers. Julia and Becky are professionals in the affiliate marketing field and will answer your questions and offer their advice. We send a welcome letter to all new Affiliates with the basics of Affiliate marketing and tips for getting started marketing Pronounce Pro.

To sign up visit this link. After submitting your application a representative from Pronounce Pro will be in touch within twenty four hours to accept or decline your application. Special note: Websites must be in English to promote Pronounce Pro (and all merchants) using Share a Sale.


  • Industry trusted and leading third party Affiliate network
  • State of the art tracking capabilities of links and advertisements
  • Access to Pronounce Pro's Affiliate managers, they will help you.
  • Access to our library of professionally written marketing content for your promotion.

Join our Share a Sale Affiliate Program

Pronounce Pro Associate Membership:
*We recommend this option coupled with Share a Sale for the ideal marketing solution*

Commission: 28%
Cookie Life: Lifetime
Payment Schedule: Once a month
Payment threshold: Fifty dollars
Cost: $34.95 per month
Contract: 12 months

There is no “trick” to Internet success, but if there were a trick, it would be to get lots of visitors and traffic to your website. In order to do this you are going to need two things: 1. Lots of fresh new content for your website,  2. A website.

We can provide you both. When you sign up as an Associate Member you get your own URL domain name, dynamic website, weekly new content - (Article Lessons, Resource Lessons, Video Lessons, Dialogue Lessons, Blogger Lessons, Grammar Essentials Lessons, Online Quizzes) - syndicated automatically to your website. The content we syndicate to our Associate Members' websites is created custom for them and is not seen on our home sites. When Google evaluates which sites they want to rank higher these are the main things they look at:

1. Number of links pointing to your site.

  • You will have quality free English Learning resources on your website. Finding sites to link to yours will not be a     difficult task.

2. The content of your website

  • Google likes sites that have fresh content. This means they like your site to be updated regularly. This can be difficult     if you are not an expert in the field or if you do not have time to maintain a resource laden website.

  • We will update your site for you weekly with professionally written Lessons, articles, and press releases. The search engines will love you.

Each week we will syndicate new Lessons to your site. This means you will simply wake up and your site will be refreshed with weekly new Lessons adding to the user appeal and search engine appeal of your English resource site. Your site is dynamic. This means if you would like, and it helps with the search rankings, you have a personal area to “host” your site. You can talk about yourself, share a funny story, give your own English Lesson, or do a quick report on an American state. Anything you write about Learning English, or American English on your site will help with search rankings. It's like a game! And our affiliate managers will show you how to win.

What you get when you join us:

When you sign up as an Associate Member we will begin our relationship with a welcome email from Julia or Becky, our affiliate managers. They will give you a quick overview and give you options for your website's domain name. Everything we provide you with has been optimized by our Internet marketing strategists and is designed for high search rankings. Your domain name options might be:




Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

When you have selected your name we will register your site in your name. Pronounce Pro will maintain and pay the hosting fees, that's part of the Associate Membership. After this process you will be able to type your address into the address bar and visit your own website. All of the sales links on your site will point to our home site and generate 28% commission for you.

Your site will also promote our Sponsorship program. You will receive 10% commission of all Sponsors that originate from your site and or special Pronounce Pro links.

If you decide you would like to personally “host” your website there will be a login area for you to visit and type that morning (or evening's, or week's, or month's) post. We will automatically update your site with new content, the search engine will look favorably at you and in time your site will begin to rank well and you'll notice more visitors - and commission deposits from us. You can speed the search engine ranking process by doing Search Engine Optimization tasks for your website. For help and ideas you can always email your dedicated affiliate managers.

Associate Members also receive Technical Support to help post videos, post links, and otherwise navigate the world of IT and computers.


  • Higher Commission rate (28%)
  • You get your own website
  • We update your website with syndicated English Lessons and quality content
  • Google will love you
  • Receive commissions on all Pronounce Pro plus websites and services: (all of these will be promoted on your website)
- www.PronouncePro.com
-  www.OnlineEnglishhub.com
- www.BusinessEnglishhub.com
- Online English Pro Publishing
- The Online English Music Spot
- The Online English Photography Spot

Join Pronounce Pro as an Associate team Member

Email Julia.Becky@PronouncePro.com for more information on our Affiliate Programs.

Begin the Affiliate's Marketing content for copy and pasting:

Associate Memberships

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If there is one thing we want for our Affiliates...it's for them to be successful.

That's why Pronounce Pro offers Associate Memberships. We will give you your own website which promotes all the products and services we offer. We'll even syndicate fresh content to your site weekly.

Does it sound too good to be true? It only gets better.

There is income to be made online and it's actually not too difficult to make once you have three variables locked down:

  1. Useful products or services or both to provide.
  2. A way to attract lots of people to your website.
  3. A website.

When you sign up as an Associate Member we instantly send you a welcome letter and request your selection of a domain name (web address) for your website. Like an elegant party, each facet of your journey into associate marketing is prepared for you by the Pronounce Pro search engine strategists. From your purposefully created domain name, to the lay out and “tagging” of your site, to the content we consistently put into your site, and the optimization maintenance and link building work our strategists perform to your site, your personal Associate Membership website is designed to grow like a garden. In other words raise in Google rankings.

  1. As an Associate Member we provide you a website complete with information and Purchase options for all the products and services offered by Pronounce Pro and Pronounce Pro plus. This website can be customized with your photos and a tagline or quote from you. Additionally there is an option to write a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly post, aka “host” your site (this is an optional feature. We recommend it though, the more you write and post on your site - the better. Google likes lots of writing and fresh content in any form.)

  2. Pronounce Pro plus creates an industry leading amount of new weekly English Lessons. We section off a percentage     of these new lessons and “syndicate” them to our Associate Members' sites. This means we will automatically load the     new Article Lessons, Resource Lessons, Video Lessons, Dialogue Lessons, Blogger Lessons, and Grammar Essential     Lessons to your site in the respective categories. This will help you in two ways. One: people looking to learn English     online are going to love your site because of the Free quality resources. Two: Google and other search engines will like     your site because of the fresh content we add to it each week.

  3. All the product and service purchase links on your site that point back to PronouncePro.com generate you 28% percent commission. Affiliates of Pronounce Pro that are not Associate Members receive 20% commission.

  4. The Pronounce Pro SEO strategists will perform a monthly amount of link building for your website. Link building     (getting links from other English learning websites to yours) is one of the most important aspects of Search Engine     Optimization (SEO) and can be effectively done by you in addition to the link building done for you, for supreme results.     We also provide Associate Members monthly reports on their search engine rankings and improvements.

"This sounds great. How do I join Pronounce Pro as an Associate Member?"

Associate Memberships can be purchased for $34.95 a month. This fee includes your website customization and all the web hosting setup up and maintenance fees. Memberships are purchased on the secure PronouncePro.com website.

In addition to a website that is automatically updated with fresh content each week, Associate Members receive these features:

  • Access to the Pronounce Pro dedicated Affiliate Managers, Julia and Becky. They will answer any questions you have about affiliate marketing and are an excellent resource of Internet marketing ideas.
  • Access to our online library of professionally written marketing content, user reviews, and teacher reviews. You can copy and paste our marketing content and use it in your own Internet promotions or daily site posts.
  • A dynamic links page. You can offer other Online English Learning websites reciprocal links in exchange for a link to your site. Simply send your desired link instructions to Links@PronouncePro.com, our programmers will complete your SEO task and install the appropriate link for you.

Join Pronounce Pro as an Associate Member

Blogger Cast

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Our Blogger Cast keep a Life Journal with Photos so we can Learn English while we follow their different American Lifestyles. From the beach coasts of California to the rush of NYC, Follow Our Leaders.

Each Blogger Post has a Lesson-Link built in. Lesson-Links are tickets to learning Real-Life American English. Our Teachers define and link what the Cast writes so we can learn American Slang and Idioms easier. It's Awesome.

We have six Online English Blogger Cast members. They all lead interesting lives and are passionate about sharing them with the world and helping the world Learn English. Learning English Grammar is important and the Online English Hub offers many Grammar resources, however following real life Americans and learning their Natural Vocabulary usage and Slang usage is extremely valuable while Learning English. Our Blogger Cast Lessons offer just this. Follow along each week and check in with the big ENGLISH LESSON that is now all our Blogger Casts' life!

Lesson-Links are created by our Teacher Staff and highlight the Grammar points, Slang Usage, and Idioms Usage of our native English Speaking Blogger Casts' naturally written posts. In addition to the definition and examples of the selected terms, our Blogger Cast read their posts out loud and record themselves. We upload a sound box to each Lesson and the visitor can listen to the Cast reading their post while they follow along. Our Blogger Lesson method proves to be effective in learning natural American English.

*Updates for the Blogger Cast will be Posted below the Cast Introductions on this page by Tony English as they happen. More Information about the Blogger Cast in general can be garnered there.*

We like to think we selected a Cast of Bloggers that is interesting to follow from a reader's standpoint and also be a group of people that have control of their lives, have success in their work and social lives, have a respected opinion of what the ‘American Cool' is and would offer other benefits to English learners as Followers and Studiers. Our Blogger Cast are all friendly and have warm smiles. Let's all say hello to the Online English Hub's Blogger Cast:

Dialogue Cast

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Speaking English is the Biggest Part of Learning English. Our Dialogue Cast creates Conversation Lessons for lots of Everyday American English Situations.

Pick from Categories such as Sports, Dating, At Work, Pop Culture, and listen to real Conversations. English Learners can follow along with the Lesson Link and listen to the embedded MP3 Audio.

*All Updates for the Dialogue Cast will be given by Tony English after the Cast Welcomes on this page*..

When it comes to learning things it is always good to try and watch people do what you are learning - correctly. With the Online English Hub Dialogue Lessons our visitors can select from twelve categories of English Conversations such as Sports, Dating, Greetings, Goodbyes, Disagreements, Praise, Love, Happiness, Sadness, Humor, and then pick one of the Speaking Lessons within. A Dialogue Lesson is an American English conversation between native English speakers. We record the Cast members performing the lesson and include the MP3 Audio in the lesson. The Dialogue Lesson also has the written script with Grammar Usage, Slang, Must-Know Vocabulary, and Idioms highlighted and linked to explanations and other examples of their usage at the page’s bottom. In short -  you’ll learn how to use cool American English terms and Grammar in your English Speaking.

Our Dialogue Cast is six native English speakers from the Phoenix, Arizona area. Members of the Dialogue Cast come to the Pronounce Pro studio each week and perform their lessons. It is a fun atmosphere and we all love to know we’re helping the world learn English. The Dialogue Lessons are written by both the Lesson Writing Staff and the Dialogue Cast themselves.

Can we get a steady drum roll because..here..is..the Dialogue Cast!


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Our Pronunciation DVD course is helping English learners speak English all over the world. 
Singapore | Cairo | France | Germany | Mexico | China | India | Hong Kong | New York | Los Angeles | Chicago |

Pronounce Pro has authorized distributors on all the globe's continents. Except Antarctica.

Pronounce Pro accepts distributors of, what we feel to be, the highest in quality. We usually deal with educational retailers both online and offline that promote Pronounce Pro in their stores. We look for reputability, security, and a general sense of good business practice before we enter business relationships with distributors, and when we do - they are with the highest quality of educational retailers. If you manage an educational online or offline store and would like to promote our pronunciation DVD course, contact a representative with this email:


In Country of location's alphabetical listing... here are the esteemed Pronounce Pro Distributors:


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There is always something going on at Pronounce Pro. The Video Cast and Dialogue Cast are both from the Phoenix Valley and sometimes, well there are events...

Different groups of our Cast - and Staff that live in Arizona - get together and talk, and laugh, and eat, and share why they love working in the online English industry.

If you are in Phoenix and would like to attend an event, check this blog to see if anything is planned in the near future. We love to have new people show up to our events - we usually have a great time. The development of Pronounce Pro Corporation has been and continues to be an interesting saga into Online English at its pinnacle and we like talking about it with people. Stop by an event and let us know what you think about things and we'll let you know what we think about things, maybe we can work together.

Pronounce Pro Plus and the Online English Hub's Event Calendar:

Featured Lesson

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The Online English Hub and Pronounce Pro plus are leading providers of English Lessons on the Internet. We have Video, Dialogue, Blogger, Resource, and Article Lessons available for Free.

This is the Featured Lessons area. Here you can see the weekly online English lesson - taken from our English lesson catalog, that we are showcasing. We're proud.

Week number one's featured online English lesson:

Lesson Writing Staff

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The Online English Hub Creates More English Lessons than Anyone on the Internet. A Big Thanks Goes to our Online English Lesson Writing Staff. They Simply Know How to Write the Best English Lessons.

From the Video Lessons to the Dialogue Lessons to the Online English Hub's Massive English Resource Lesson Library, our Lesson Writing Staff is a Group of People We are Happy to Have.

In order for us to be a leading provider of Online English Learning Resources we need to have a strong team on the back end. It is imperative for the Online English Hub to have confidence and be able to count on its Lesson Writing Staff to generate new, interesting, useful, and grammatically perfect English Lessons each week. And we do have confidence because of the talent and dedication the team members of the Lesson Writing Staff have. Our English Lessons are syndicated in Universities and on English Learning Websites worldwide. We are equally proud of our Team members that Write the lessons as we are our team members that Perform the lessons.

Our Video Lessons are not just beautiful native English speakers talking about casually...the American English Lesson scripts our Video Cast perform weekly are written by our highly credentialed Lesson Writing Staff - The Online English Hub has the number one position covered from all angles.

We have five Teachers on our Lesson Writing Staff and like the other Cast and Staff members of the Online English Hub, the Lesson Writing Staff is available to Members for email access and on-one-on email interaction and instruction. If we haven't built them up too much already...Let's Meet the Lesson Writing Staff:

Online Quiz Staff

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Quizzes are one of the Best ways to Learn English. Quizzes are THE Best thing for English Learners to do after an English Lesson. We are proud to say our Online Quiz Garden is the Internet's Leading Provider of Online Quizzes.

All of Our Teacher Staff members create an amount of Quizzes each week however the majority of our Online Quizzes come from our Online Quiz Staff.

When we finish learning something for the first time it is important for us to Quiz ourselves to make sure we understand what we have learned. For the difficult parts of the Quiz we analyze why it was harder and maybe go back to the resources. This is a trusted method of advancing our learning and it works superbly with Learning English. The Online English Hub is well aware to the benefits of a colossal size library of Online Quizzes and Answers. We have a corresponding Online Quiz for each of our thousand-plus lesson catalog. Every time an English Learner finishes a Lesson on an Online English Hub page, there is always an option to take the Companion Online Quiz - It's these things that make us the number one resource for Learning English Online.

We take our Online English Quiz Garden seriously, it feels good to be the best. In order to maintain such a large and growing resource we have a professional Staff of Online Quiz Writers. Our Quiz Writers are highly credentialed English teachers and they have a particular ability to craft excellent Quizzes. Some of them are published authors on their own account and some have written English and ESL Curriculum for popular institutions. We have Quizzes ranging from English Grammar to How to be Cool, let's give a warm welcome to the Online English Hub's Online Quiz Writing Staff!:

Press Releases

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The Online English Hub and Pronounce Pro plus are doing the world's English learners a good favor by providing so many Free high quality online learning resources. Good things "go noticed."

This is our press release section. You'll find articles hot off the press about our company's websites. We are a mainstay with university writers and as it goes.. we're big in Tokyo.

The Online English Hub's mission: To make online English available to everyone online.

Pronounce Pro's mission: To provide a reference point DVD course for good pronunciation and natural English speaking.

Browse through our press releases to learn more about the evolution of Pronounce Pro Corporation. It's a tale of love, knowledge, generosity, success, creativity, and - of course - learning English.

Pronounce Pro Plus

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Providing a Top Level Pronunciation DVD Learning Course Wasn't Enough for us. So we Wrote the Business Plan for Pronounce Pro plus. Bring us that Horizon.

Adding the "plus" sounds cool, do you think so? We do. That's why we did it.

To better understand Pronounce Pro plus, let's start by reviewing what Pronounce Pro is. Pronounce Pro is an S corporation online company that publishes an American English Pronunciation DVD and CD/book companion method. Pronounce Pro gives English learners an easy method for improving and mastering the American Accent -  our DVD course allows English learners to speak English like native speakers.

The Pronounce Pro business plan was written in 2006 by Anthony Giuffre and Ryan Deircks in Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. Giuffre is President of Pronounce Pro and Mr. Deircks is the company lawyer and Financial Officer; Mr. Giuffre is far more important however that's neither here nor there. Mr. Giuffre successfully led Pronounce Pro to profits in October of 2009. Heads up - Mr. Giuffre is only 28 years old. Way to go bud.

Pronounce Pro = An excellent DVD and CD/book companion course for learning good English pronunciation.

Now we can take a look at what Pronounce Pro plus is:

Pronounce Pro plus encompasses all the features both free and commercial, that have been added to the Pronounce Pro.com site. To enter the Pronounce Pro plus world we can simply click the Online English Hub link located in the top right area of the Pronounce Pro.com site. Boom...welcome to Pronounce Pro plus. Here's a quick look at all the folders that make up Pronounce Pro plus:

The Online English Hub: This is a big one. The Online English Hub is the crux of Pronounce Pro plus and it's a complete Free Online English Learning resource center. There are weekly Video Lessons, Dialog Lessons, Resource Lessons, Blogger Cast Lessons, Interactive School Courses, and a Learning Tree where visitors can submit questions - all for free. The Online English Hub also offers Memberships which enables its Members to ask questions and form relationships with the entire Cast and Staff. Members also have access to even more Online Lessons.

The Online English Photography Spot: No one can be learning all the time so we added a photography area to the site. Visitors and Members can enjoy original photos from around the globe and submit their own photos for our weekly photo competitions. Visitors and Members take pictures of their homeland, or any land they like and contribute one US dollar per photo entered to the Online English Photography Spot pool via PayPal or credit card. Their picture is placed in front of the world for a possible nomination. The polls are always open - voting is simply ticking a box under your favorite photo and clicking 'vote' to submit your vote. Voting takes place all week long and we announce the previous week's winner Monday mornings. The winners receive 75% of the pooled money. Do you have an eagle-eye with the camera? Submit your beautiful landscape photo for possible riches.

The Online English Music Spot: The Online English Music Spot is in essence a combination of My Space and iTunes. Unsigned music groups can pay a small monthly fee and we furnish them with their own dynamic webpage where they can upload videos, pictures, and of course their music. Visitors to the Online English Music Spot can browse music groups by genre or location. Visitors can submit comments to the groups, form relationships with the music groups, and purchase their music. Songs are sold for twenty five cents and albums are five dollars. Because of Pronounce Pro's large footprint in the international online community, the unsigned music groups are given a chance to put their musical art in front of scores of people - including areas of the world possibly overlooked by popular culture's traditional musical marketing locales.

And to Wrap it All Up…

Pronounce Pro.com is probably the coolest website in the world. If you'd like more information fire an email to OnlineEnglishhub@PronouncePro.com. We'll get back to you ASAP.

School Instructors

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Take your seats everyone - Our English classes are online and in session.

The Online English Hub and Pronounce Pro plus are proud to introduce our signature free resource feature: Online English School Classes.

We offer twelve week English Classes on an array of different English learning topics and ability levels. The Online English hub and the English a Day blog’s students (visitors) can select from categories of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 twelve week Online School Classes from all our English Learning categories. Once our English students have selected their desired classes and are registered (free) they begin to receive one email School Class a week for twelve weeks. Our Online English students are encouraged to enroll in multiple School Classes at once.

Our highest credentialed English Teachers are in charge of creating the School Classes. We have expert English teachers from around the world writing English Lessons in dozens of different languages - it’s a little like Santa’s workshop. We recommend first time Students to sign up for our Online English Introduction School Course in their native language. This course gives an introduction to all the English learning potential available through our sites, how to make best use of our sites, and a warm welcome to learning the English Language. This is a must take course for all English Learners using the Internet as a learning platform. *Check to see if we offer the course in your native language - then sign up!*

Here are the top esteemed scholars of the Online English hub Staff, our School Instructors:

All our Members are granted personal email interaction and instruction from our English Teacher Staff and our Native English Speaking Cast. Our Members can ask questions and interact with the Instructors of the School Classes they are enrolled in. You can try a Membership for one month for $39.95. After the first month Memberships are $149.95 a month.

Street Team

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Learning English and Speaking English are skills that can be sold anywhere. Even on your own streets.

If you know of places or people in your area that would benefit from Pronounce Pro, join our Street Team. You get massive discounts on orders of our DVD course to sell in your town.

Learning English is a mission that millions of people world wide are on. Our pronunciation DVD course is one of the quickest ways for English learners to learn American English pronunciation and improve their English speaking. You can financially take advantage of this situation while helping people learn English by joining our Street Team.

What is the Street Team:

Our Street Team is individuals that are assigned to unique areas of the world, more specifically - assigned to their streets, to spread the word about Pronounce Pro plus and sell our pronunciation DVD course.

How do I join the Street Team:

You can join our Street Team by filling out and submitting a simple application.

How does the Street Team get paid:

The Street Team receives steep discounts on orders of 10 of our DVD courses or more. They sell the DVD courses within their assigned areas for whatever price they can garner. The difference between what they sell our DVD course for and what they paid for it is their profit.

Street Team members are encouraged to join as Pronounce Pro Associate Members.  This will give you your own English learning free resource website and you can refer people you meet while selling our DVD course to your website to learn English. All purchases that originate from your website's special links you receive 28% commission as an Associate Member. Associate Memberships cost $34.95 a month and include web hosting for your personal e-commerce Pronounce Pro plus website. As an Associate Member you have capabilities to sell all of Pronounce Pro plus's products and services.

Can the Street Team sell the pronunciation DVD course on eBay or Amazon:

Yes. eBay is an excellent platform for purchasing and selling educational products. As a representative of Pronounce Pro we ask you provide the highest level of service and prompt responses to queries and purchase shipments. If you decide to promote Pronounce Pro on eBay as a Street Team member you may forward any queries you receive in which you need aid for a response, to our CustomerSupport@PronouncePro.com. They will return the query with the appropriate answer for your dispersal.

Is the Street Team under any Contracts:

No. The only agreement between the Street Team and Pronounce Pro is the percent discount Street Team members receive. If a representative from Pronounce Pro feels you are not suited to work with Pronounce Pro we can deny your payment for more pronunciation DVDs. The only reason this will happen is if you do not fulfill orders, do not return customer queries, promote Pronounce Pro with Spam, or otherwise act illegally or obnoxiously.

What is the discount the Street Team receives on the pronunciation DVD course:

For salary information and an introduction email packet about the Street Team send an email titled like this:

To:: StreetTeam@PronouncePro.com

Subject:: Street Team

Message:: I'm interested. Send me the packet.

We will send more information about the Street Team and what percent discount Street Team members receive on orders of 10 or more pronunciation DVD courses for their distribution.

Teacher Staff

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Welcome To The Online English Hub's Teacher Staff Employee Lounge. Our Teacher Staff is a dedicated Team of English Teaching Experts. Fully Credentialed and Happy to Help You.

Working with Pronounce Pro Plus is rewarding and fun. We have lots of applicants for our Teacher Staff Positions. The ones we choose we choose because they appear the Best to us. These are Outstanding Teachers.

While the Online English hub has forty five Teachers on our Teacher Staff in total, there are only fifteen that are specifically titled, "Teacher Staff." Each different team of teachers have a different specific job they do with Pronounce Pro visitors and Members. The teachers of the "Teacher Staff" are in charge of responding to questions and English queries submitted through the Online English Learning Tree. Submitted questions are divided evenly and emailed to our Teacher Staff. In addition to each of the specific jobs of the Teachers they all create a weekly number of Lesson Articles and Online Quizzes. As a team, Pronounce Pro plus is a leading creator of Online English Learning Resources.

* Updates to the Teacher Staff are made by Tony English after the Introduction posts on this Page. More information about the Teacher Staff in general can be found there also. *

Like all the Teachers on the Online English Hub's Staff, the Teacher Staff is available to Members for one-on-one email access. Our Teacher Staff is bilingual in most of World's major languages. Native English Speaking Teachers from all over the World team together here to be the Online English Hub's brilliant TEACHER STAFF:

Video Cast

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Lights...Camera...Action...Welcome to the Online English Hub Video Cast Employee Square!

We have some of the most interesting people working on the hub's Video Cast. You can check out their quick introductions below. All updates for the Video Cast employees will be given by Tony English as they happen.

Each week the Online English Hub creates and ads 30 new Video English Lessons to their extensive category of Free Online English lessons. Visitors from around the world can select Video Lessons to instantly watch based on the lesson's topic or by their favorite Cast member. The Video Cast each have their own profiles on the website with information about them, more pictures, and a locked email Contact box. Members receive a code to unlock this Contact box and interact with the hub's Video Cast and Teacher Staff via email for personal instruction.

Our Video Lessons are quick and easy to understand. They get right to the point of what English Learners need and combine language education, entertainment, and American Culture learning - all within an easy to follow three to five minute Video Lesson on selected hot topics of Learning English. From American Slang to Must-Know Irregular Verbs to - and lots of stuff in-between.

Do you need immediate, effective, and completely fun Video English Lessons? Visit the Online English Hub Video Lesson Area. Whether you are Learning English or want to syndicate our Lessons on your English Learning website or in your English Learning Institution, we've got you covered. Check out the Online English hub Video Lesson Area.

Without any further ado let's meet the Online English Hub's Video Cast:

American Slang

Meet Jason. This is our American Slang instructor…

Website Progress

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If you haven't already heard, we're re-tooling everything. We have a new site launch date of December 31st, 2009 - sometime around midnight.

We aren't the biggest fans of Twitter, we have a lot more to say than can fit in that endearing box but you can keep up with our renovation progress right here.

Pronounce Pro is teamed with some of the Internet's top web development companies including Translucent Developments and Kensium. Translucent is headquartered on the stately Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard in Scottsdale, Arizona and Kensium is headquartered in the greater Chicago area.

Our blueprints are written and we're untying our boat and making way out of the harbor. The following points are the components that will rally to be Pronounce Pro plus. As we complete them we'll update this post by crossing them out. The more components we cross out, the closer we are to debut night:

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We're counting down the days. It's going to be great...

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Writing Staff

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Writing and Reading is such a big Part of Learning English. That's why we are Happy to Have our Dedicated Writing Staff. All our Great English Learning Written Resources are thanks to them.

While all our Staff creates a weekly amount of our famous Article Lessons, the Writing Staff Handles the Lion's Share of the Online English Hub's written requirements.

Our World famous Lesson Article Library is located on the www.PronouncePro.com/blog site and is one of the largest collections of English as a Second Language Lesson Articles on the Internet. The Online English Hub's Lesson Libraries' main contributors consist of three Dedicated Lesson Article Writers Staff members. Our Writing Staff members all have a love for writing and a powerful command of English which they couple well and thus add very positively to our Online English Lesson Article Library.

An Article Lesson is a written English Lesson on a specific topic of Learning English. For example a lesson on “What sounds to stress while Speaking English?” - would go in our Pronunciation category and more specifically our Word Stress category. Article Lessons are usually between two hundred and eight hundred words and can use all different types of teaching examples and methods to help convey the points of the particular Lesson Article. As far as we are concerned we are the number one resource for Online English Learning Lesson Articles therefore making us extremely pompous about our Writing Staff. We Love them to say the least. Now we invite you meet them (and possibly love them):

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

English Pronunciation: Intonation for Questions

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Author: Mary Gillespie

Have a look at these two sentences, and read them out loud to yourself:

  1. He goes to school.

  2. He goes to school?

Looking at the sentences, you can see clearly by the punctuation that one is a statement and the other is a question. How do we convey that difference when we are speaking?

If you are an experienced speaker of English, you will have noticed something important about what happens to your pronunciation when you wanted to make the question. In both sentences, there was stress on the main words (goes and school). This means that these words were spoken with more emphasis, and the other words (he and to) were not emphasized. The main words were spoken slightly more loudly and longer, and were spoken at a slightly higher pitch than the non-stressed words.

In the question, the same words were stressed, but an additional layer of information was added. Experienced English speakers would have raised the pitch of their voices at the end of the question considerably higher than for the statement. That raised pitch indicates to the listener that a question is being asked.

In fact, turning a statement into a question by raising pitch conveys even more information. The raised pitch tells the listener that the speaker is surprised or even amazed. (What? He goes to school? I can't believe it).

Here are intonations patterns for questions that are important to recognize within American English Pronunciation:

1- Rising intonation at the end of a yes/no question:

Do you live in New York?

Are you married?

2- Falling intonation at the end of a wh- question:

Where do you live?

What is your marital status?

Changes in these typical patterns convey extra information. If a speaker's voice falls when asking a yes/no question, the listener may easily interpret it to mean the speaker is annoyed or frustrated. If a speaker's voice rises at the end of a wh- question, the speaker is indicating to the listener that he or she is surprised by the information, or that the information needs to be repeated because it wasn't heard clearly.

Intonation patterns can be confusing for language learners, and it can be difficult to master them. It is important to be aware of them, though, and recognize how they can convey meaning in English. Improving your intonation patterns is a guaranteed way to improve your English pronunciation.

Friday, September 18, 2009

English Pronunciation: Some Silly Tips

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Author: Mary Gillespie

Article to help English Speaking and English Pronunciation by PronouncePro American English Pronunciation Writing Staff.

Do you want to improve your English pronunciation? Here's some advice you might not have heard before: start acting silly. That's right: silly. It might be just what you need to help yourself reach a new level of pronunciation expertise.

Before looking at some examples of silly American English pronunciation practice, let's take a look at the reasons why this is actually an effective way to improve pronunciation. When we are having fun, our muscles are usually more relaxed, and pronunciation involves working with a lot of little muscles that don't always work as well when we are tense. For example, fun role plays can help people adopt an imaginary English persona, and reduce the anxiety they feel about making mistakes.

So, let's try getting silly.

First, stand up and stretch. Try to get your body relaxed. Now, stretch the muscles in your face by making silly faces and sounds. Roll your shoulders and shake out your hands. Whenever you find yourself feeling frustrated, stretch out again. Try to keep your body relaxed.

Choose a short video clip of an actor or other person that you admire. You can record these from TV or the internet. Now play the clip and try to imitate the speaker. Don't just imitate their words or American accent, imitate their actions and expressions. Pretend that you are that actor, and walk around the room speaking his or her words. If your friends are also trying to silly practice activities, you can perform for each other later and see if you can guess each other's character.

Keep standing for rhythm and intonation practice. Grab a pencil and move it like a conductor's baton as you practice rising and falling intonation. Open your eyes wide for rising intonation, and close them for falling intonation. Stand on the tip of your toes as your intonation rises, and bend your knees as it falls.

Practice changing the loudness of your voice during pronunciation practice. Choose words or phrases and whisper them, then speak them as loudly as you can. Feel the difference in your body as you change the volume of your voice. When you get tired and need a break, keep your pencil in your hand and as you listen to the English pronunciation move your hand in time with the rhythm that you hear.

Try some of these activities for a change. If your family or roommates wonder what you are doing, invite them to join you for some pronunciation fun!

About Author: Mary Gillespie, ESL Teacher and Owner of the Online ESL Tutoring Service, www.AtHomewithEnglish.com.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Online English Hub

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PronouncePro Plus™ 
Online English Hub
Learn English | Free| All Levels | No Advertising
We even have a lesson on being cool.

A PronouncePro Initiative

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

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About Online English Hub

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A division of www.pronouncepro.com, the Online English Hub ™ is a top-notch free online resource where visitors can learn English online. With over fifty new lessons, video lessons, and online quizzes added each week, the Online English Hub ™ is a leading place to learn English online.

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