Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pronounce Pro Plus

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Providing a Top Level Pronunciation DVD Learning Course Wasn't Enough for us. So we Wrote the Business Plan for Pronounce Pro plus. Bring us that Horizon.

Adding the "plus" sounds cool, do you think so? We do. That's why we did it.

To better understand Pronounce Pro plus, let's start by reviewing what Pronounce Pro is. Pronounce Pro is an S corporation online company that publishes an American English Pronunciation DVD and CD/book companion method. Pronounce Pro gives English learners an easy method for improving and mastering the American Accent -  our DVD course allows English learners to speak English like native speakers.

The Pronounce Pro business plan was written in 2006 by Anthony Giuffre and Ryan Deircks in Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. Giuffre is President of Pronounce Pro and Mr. Deircks is the company lawyer and Financial Officer; Mr. Giuffre is far more important however that's neither here nor there. Mr. Giuffre successfully led Pronounce Pro to profits in October of 2009. Heads up - Mr. Giuffre is only 28 years old. Way to go bud.

Pronounce Pro = An excellent DVD and CD/book companion course for learning good English pronunciation.

Now we can take a look at what Pronounce Pro plus is:

Pronounce Pro plus encompasses all the features both free and commercial, that have been added to the Pronounce Pro.com site. To enter the Pronounce Pro plus world we can simply click the Online English Hub link located in the top right area of the Pronounce Pro.com site. Boom...welcome to Pronounce Pro plus. Here's a quick look at all the folders that make up Pronounce Pro plus:

The Online English Hub: This is a big one. The Online English Hub is the crux of Pronounce Pro plus and it's a complete Free Online English Learning resource center. There are weekly Video Lessons, Dialog Lessons, Resource Lessons, Blogger Cast Lessons, Interactive School Courses, and a Learning Tree where visitors can submit questions - all for free. The Online English Hub also offers Memberships which enables its Members to ask questions and form relationships with the entire Cast and Staff. Members also have access to even more Online Lessons.

The Online English Photography Spot: No one can be learning all the time so we added a photography area to the site. Visitors and Members can enjoy original photos from around the globe and submit their own photos for our weekly photo competitions. Visitors and Members take pictures of their homeland, or any land they like and contribute one US dollar per photo entered to the Online English Photography Spot pool via PayPal or credit card. Their picture is placed in front of the world for a possible nomination. The polls are always open - voting is simply ticking a box under your favorite photo and clicking 'vote' to submit your vote. Voting takes place all week long and we announce the previous week's winner Monday mornings. The winners receive 75% of the pooled money. Do you have an eagle-eye with the camera? Submit your beautiful landscape photo for possible riches.

The Online English Music Spot: The Online English Music Spot is in essence a combination of My Space and iTunes. Unsigned music groups can pay a small monthly fee and we furnish them with their own dynamic webpage where they can upload videos, pictures, and of course their music. Visitors to the Online English Music Spot can browse music groups by genre or location. Visitors can submit comments to the groups, form relationships with the music groups, and purchase their music. Songs are sold for twenty five cents and albums are five dollars. Because of Pronounce Pro's large footprint in the international online community, the unsigned music groups are given a chance to put their musical art in front of scores of people - including areas of the world possibly overlooked by popular culture's traditional musical marketing locales.

And to Wrap it All Up…

Pronounce Pro.com is probably the coolest website in the world. If you'd like more information fire an email to OnlineEnglishhub@PronouncePro.com. We'll get back to you ASAP.


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